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人民财经网  2021-12-09 13:21:15 阅读:66


In the 15th year of the Republic of China (1926), when the ministry was compiled into the 28th Army of the National Revolutionary Army, in order to maintain the expansion of military power and other expenses, decided to cast a new version of the weight reduction of copper yuan.In this context, the large weight loss of the Republic of China Sichuan Jiahe copper yuan began to cast hair.Its face value, divided into two hundred, one hundred, fifty, three, etc.


Numcoin of the Republic of China is a modern Chinese coins, a precious record of the great history of the revolution of 1911, after the century of wind and rain, the amount is very rare, especially good appearance is more scarce, so it is very popular with collectors.

此组双旗币贰百文一组,重:23.9g 24.6g ,直径:4.271cm 4.278cm。正面币中心突起,币面中心直书“贰百文”面值。两旁分列嘉穗图案,上沿镌年号“中华民国二年”,下沿镌厂名“四川造币厂造”,左右分列花星;背面珠圈内为两面交叉的旗帜,外环英文。由于该币存世量稀少,已经多年未见其踪影,因此有着很高的收藏价值。


This group of two flag coins two hundred text a group, heavy: 23.9g 24.6g, diameter: 4.271cm 4.278cm.The front coin center protruding, the coin center straight book "two hundred text" face value.The two sides of the spike pattern, along the engraving number "two years of the Republic of China", along the engraving name "Sichuan Mint", left and right stars; the back of the bead circle for two crossed flags, the outer ring English.Because the currency is rare and has not been seen for many years, it has a high collection value.

The collection is beautifully cast, standard writing, correct English writing, clear decoration, and harmonious overall design, exquisite pattern, technology especially excellence; the natural pulp, clear handwriting, immeasurable appreciation value and market economy value, is a rare art treasure!


Numcoin of the Republic of China is an important part of modern monetary history and numismatics with unique historical significance.Although the coins are small, they can also reflect the characteristics of the society and culture at that time, and the collection is of good significance and profound value.

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